Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Policies, No GSC Scholarships

In case you haven't heard the news, GSC was given its budget allocation but was informed it could not award its usual six $1000 student scholarships this year. According to Student Service Fee policy, no monies collected from student service fees may be used toward awarding student scholarships. Since GSC is fully funded by Student Service Fees... well, you do the math.

So we will try to continue to help graduate students as best we can by using our funds to increase awards for Graduate Student Travel Grants. These are awarded in conjunction with the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, and the Graduate Student Council. These travel grants help support the costs of travel to national and international professional meetings and conferences as long as it is relevant to the degree being sought by the student.

I applied for and received a few of these in previous years before I started working for the Graduate School. I haven't applied since so as not to create any possible conflict of interest. These little gems were life savers. They were for $200-300 and were matched by my department. My research was accepted to the International Conference for Innovation in Higher Education in Kiev, Ukraine. I never could have afforded to go on my own but $250 from TSGS matched with $250 from the COE and another $500 from TAC almost paid for the entire 5-day trip. Got 2 presentations and 2 journal articles out of it as well!!!

So, no more GSC scholarships but we are pushing for more travel grants for grad students.
